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Ace of Hearts Redbud Tree
Coral Knock Out® Rose Shrub
Thunderstruck™ Lavender Blast™ Crape Myrtle Tree
Thundercloud Plum Tree
Desert Rose Adenium
Crimson Fire™ Loropetalum Shrub
Cerise Charm Loropetalum
White Knock Out® Rose
Peach Drift® Rose
Petite Knock Out® Rose
Barbara Karst Bougainvillea
Vinca Minor Periwinkle Vine
Majestic Purple Bougainvillea
Sweet Cherry Tea Ninebark Shrub
Canada Red Chokecherry Tree
Daisy Gardenia
Northern Gold Forsythia
Creeping Rosemary Plant
Tangerine Beauty Crossvine Arizona
Alexandra Bougainvillea
Lynn's Legacy Texas Sage Shrub
Red Drift® Rose
Orange Jubilee Tecoma Plant