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It helps us recommend trees and plants that are well-suited to the local climate, based on your Growing Zone.
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White Dogwood Tree
Autumn Cherry Tree
Yoshino Cherry Tree
Natchez Crape Myrtle Tree
Carolina Jasmine
White Kousa Dogwood
Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Tree
Little Gem Magnolia Tree
Sweetbay Magnolia Tree
Royal Star Magnolia Tree
White Pussy Willow Shrub
Chinese Fringe Tree
Chinese Snowball Bush
Majestic Purple Bougainvillea
Amazing Daisies® ‘Banana Cream II’ Shasta Daisy
Vanilla Twist Redbud Tree
Barbara Karst Bougainvillea
Corinthian White Double Flowering Peach Tree
Sargent Crabapple Tree
White Bird Of Paradise
White Pillar® Rose of Sharon Althea
Carolina Jasmine Arizona
Star Jasmine Arizona
White Nerium Oleander Tree