Azalea Shrubs

Only items for my growing zone

azalea shrubs

Iconic, classic color for plant beds and beyond.

The shrubs that come to mind when you think of classic good looks without all the work: Azalea Shrubs make a beautiful statement. And because we offer a variety of colors and sizes, you'll get the shrub that's perfect for your homescape.

How to Plant Azalea Shrubs

Specific planting directions will depend on the variety you choose, but most Azalea Shrubs like full to partial sun (4 to 8 hours of sun per day) and well-drained soil. And of course, it's important to ensure that you’re in the correct growing zone for your selected plant.

When you're ready to plant, dig a hole large enough to accommodate your Azalea's root ball (with some room to grow), place your shrub and back fill the soil. Finally, water the surrounding soil to settle the roots and mulch around the area to conserve moisture.

How to Care for Azalea Shrubs

Start by establishing a solid watering schedule for your Azalea Shrubs. Generally, we recommend watering about once or twice weekly. If you’re not sure when to water, however, simply check your surrounding soil about 2 inches down for dryness.

Fertilizing and pruning are also simple. If you notice slow growth, fertilize in early spring, before blooming, with a general-purpose or well-balanced blend for best results. And for pruning, simply remove dead, damaged or diseased areas and shear for shaping purposes after blooms have faded.

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