Fiddle Leaf Fig Care: The 10 Commandments

Last updated: May 30 2019

Part of our prep for the season is indoor plant decor and planning a lush living area that wows. And what better plant to spruce up your home than with the Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree? Of course, Fiddle Leaf Fig care is an essential component to elevating your space.
Today, we’re featuring Fiddle-Leaf Fig care tips and tricks from our guest blogger, Claire Akin, who is a veritable expert when it comes to one of our customer’s (and personal) favorites.
Did you know that most people who own a Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree are first-time plant owners? This can make it especially difficult to help your Fiddle-Leaf thrive. Making sure it gets the care it needs indoors can be confusing and overwhelming, but it’s important for the long-term success of your plant.
How do you care for your Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree?
Good Fiddle-Leaf Fig care makes your plant stronger and more resistant to disease, and poor care creates a downward spiral of sickness, brown spots and problems. Luckily, there are 10 critical but simple components to successfully caring for your Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree. Follow these rules for a happy and healthy plant!
1. Provide Proper Drainage.
Your plant’s root system is the foundation of its health. Many people are not aware, but to work properly, roots need both water and oxygen. Proper drainage allows your plant’s root system to breathe and stay healthy. Without adequate drainage, root rot can set into the soil and kill your plant.
2. How Often To Water A Fiddle-Leaf Fig Plant:
In addition to providing proper drainage, it’s important to let your plant’s soil dry out a bit between waterings. On average, your Fiddle-Leaf Fig only needs to be watered once every week. Too much water is one of the most common mistakes new Fiddle-Leaf Fig owners make. Be aware of your plant’s water requirements and make sure you aren’t drowning it. The signs of overwatering are brown spots and dropping leaves.
3. Give a Winter’s Rest.
During the winter, your plant receives less sunlight and as a result, less energy to complete its metabolic functions. Therefore, it uses less water and nutrients. Water less and suspend fertilization during the winter to give your plant a chance to rest.
4. Accept the Loss of Older Leaves.
Plants are always growing and shedding older leaves in favor of new growth. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees will drop their lower leaves as they grow taller. Don’t worry if your plant regularly drops its lower leaves, so long as it has healthy new growth.
5. Provide Humidity.
The ideal humidity for a Fiddle Leaf Fig is between 30% to 65%. If you live in a very dry climate, you may need to supplement your plant with extra humidity by misting it or providing a humidifier. Avoid placing your Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree indoors near a heater vent, which can dry out your plant.
6. Care For Problems Immediately.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees are relatively slow growers because their large leaves require a lot of energy to build. This makes treating ailments quickly even more important, since it takes them so long to recover from problems. Be sure to act quickly if you see brown spots, leaf drop, or an insect infestation.
7. Repot When Needed.
If your Fiddle-Leaf is healthy, its root system will begin to outgrow its pot in a few years. If you see roots growing near the bottom or edges of the pot, it may be time to repot to give your plant more space to grow. If you’ve reached your maximum container size, top dress the plant instead of repotting, by removing the top 4 inches of soil and replacing with new soil.
8. Fertilize the Fiddle-Leaf Properly.
Proper Fiddle Leaf Fig care means a lot of nutrients to grow their large, beautiful leaves. Feed them regularly with Root Rocket Fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer like Fiddle-Leaf Fig Plant Food, which is specially formulated with a NPK ratio of 3-1-2. The signs of lack of nutrients include yellowing leaves and slow growth.
9. Use the Proper Tools.
For adequate Fiddle Leaf Fig care, it’s important to keep the proper tools at the ready. These include a watering can, a moisture meter, sharp pruning shears, and perhaps a rolling plant stand, which allows you to move and rotate your Fiddle-Leaf Fig indoors.
10. Check on Your Plant Weekly.
The best way to take good care of your plant is to get to know it better. Take the time to check on your Fiddle Leaf Fig every week. First, take a look at the soil to see if it’s wet or dry before you water. Look at the leaves for any signs of brown spots or insects. Then, rotate your plant to make sure it gets even sunlight. Finally, make a note of any changes like new growth.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees are one of the most rewarding plants to grow, especially once you understand what they need. To get everything you need to know, grab your copy of The Fiddle Leaf Fig Expert book on Amazon now. You can also join the Fiddle Leaf Fig Club and register for The Ultimate Fiddle-Leaf Fig Care Webinar!

Written by
Blair Brown
Blair is the Content Marketing Manager at, and though she's not your traditional gardener, the planting world is definitely growing on her (pun intended!). She's enjoyed digging into plant care and maintenance and growing her plant collection, especially with exotic indoor varieties.