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Wisconsin Trees

The location of your home is important wherever you live in the Badger State. Wisconsin has a continental climate, which means that it enjoys warms summers but very cold winters, especially in the upper northeast and north-central lowlands, which also have a short growing season. When you’re choosing trees for your WI garden, you will need to take the climate into account.

The Best Trees for Planting in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to native trees such as American Elm, White Oak, Silver Maple, and Quaking Aspen. Here at the Fast Growing Nursery, we recommend that our RI gardeners opt for native shrubs and trees or similar ones that will thrive in the varied temperatures. We can provide you with the American Elm, the Live and Sawtooth Oak and the Quaking Aspen as well as a range of hardy and colorful Maples.

Our Tulip and Hybrid Poplars are two of the fastest-growing trees you can find and both thrive in Wisconsin. They will be able to enjoy the temperate seasons and can withstand the colder winter months. They will soon become well established and you’ll feel as though they’ve always been part of your landscape.

Our range of Badger State-friendly shrubs will add a blaze of color to your garden, check out our variety of azaleas. These repeat-blooming shrubs will create a colorful border or centerpiece in your garden. These plants offer the maximum beauty with the minimum upkeep.

Gardeners who enjoy the color and joy of growing fruit will appreciate our selection of apple trees; choose from Gala, Granny Smith, and Red Fuji. If it’s citrus fruit you’re after, we have Nules Clementine, Meyer Lemon, and Key Lime. We can also help you add Bing Cherries and Red Haven Peaches to your home orchard.

When you need privacy and security around your home, but at the same time you want to combine it with beauty, opt for our fast-growing evergreens. American Holly, Cryptomeria Radicans or Drought-Free Evergreens grow quickly to form a living wall that will enhance your property’s boundary. All the tree choices you need for your D.C landscape can be found at Fast Growing Trees Nursery.

A Large Variety of Trees for Wisconsin

Wherever you live in Wisconsin, Milwaukie to Ashland, or Green Bay to Spooner, we have the trees for your unique region. Our wide selection of trees for WI is bound to provide long-lasting solutions for your landscaping needs.

The Wisconsin state tree is the Sugar Maple. This spectacular forest tree is found throughout the state and is easily recognized by its distinctive gray bark and 3-5 lobed leaves. In full maturity, most trees reach 70-90 feet in height.

The Wisconsin state soil is Antigo. This brown, silt loam is found in around 300,000 acres throughout the state’s northern regions. This is a very productive soil and mostly used for cultivating grain and hay. Your fast-growing trees will thrive in Antigo soil.

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