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Yuletide Camellia
Patmore Green Ash Tree
Bay Laurel - USDA Organic
Obsession Nandina Shrub
Cerise Charm Loropetalum
Becky Shasta Daisy
Crimson Fire™ Loropetalum Shrub
Barbara Karst Bougainvillea
Firewitch Dianthus Plant
Blue Weeping Alaskan Cedar
Camellia 'Shi-Shi Gashira' Shrub
Baby Gem Boxwood Shrub
Indigo Gem Haskap (Honeyberry) Bush
Sapodilla Tree
Brilliance Autumn Fern Plant
Golden Raintree
Amazing Daisies® ‘Banana Cream II’ Shasta Daisy
Coral Charm Peony
Bartzella Peony
Pink Delight Butterfly Bush
Felix Crousse Peony
Daisy Gardenia
Blue American Agave Plant
Nancy Garrison Passion Fruit Vine