Pink Hydrangea

Only items for my growing zone

Facts About Pink Hydrangeas

About Pink Hydrangeas

Vivid blooms and robust growth await you with our plethora of pink hydrangea! From the bi-color Vanilla Strawberry to the container-friendly Love Hydrangea and beyond, our pink hydrangea options will brighten any garden space with little effort on your part!

Types of Pink Hydrangea

With numerous options to choose from, including versatile varieties whose blooms can turn blue or pink, your yard will soon stand out for its show-stopping beauty. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Vanilla Strawberry: This deliciously named variety produces flowers throughout the warm months, transitioning throughout the season, starting as a creamy white, turning to an irresistible pink, until it finishes as a deep burgundy. And since the flowers bloom throughout the spring and summer, you'll get to enjoy all three hues simultaneously! A favorite among pollinators, this pink hydrangea also attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial bees to your yard. This variety is also available as a pink hydrangea tree, with the ability to grow in zones 4-8 and stay hardy down to -20 degrees.

Cityline Paris Bigleaf Hydrangea: Add a touch of Parisian elegance to your yard with this elegant hydrangea. Made for urban gardens, this compact pink hydrangea shrub brings intense color to spacious landscapes and confined spaces alike. Bursting with dazzling pink to red blooms, its color intensity deepens with maturity, although its hue can also be altered based on its soil’s pH—producing deep pink flowers in alkaline soils, or blue blossoms in more acidic ones. Maxing out at 2-3 feet, this colorful variety can be grown in zones 5-9 and is hardy down to -10 degrees.

Endless Summer Hydrangea: A perennial favorite in the category, Endless Summer provides one of the longest blooming seasons of all hydrangeas, with buds beginning to emerge in early spring and lasting through Thanksgiving. With numerous options to choose from, the Pop Star delivers mesmerizing pink flowers while the Original Reblooming variety provides versatility in its coloring, blooming either pink or blue based on its soil’s acidity.

Benefits of Pink Hydrangeas

Easy to care for: Hydrangeas are notoriously easy to care for—just find them a sunny spot and water regularly to watch them flourish. No guesswork required!

Long-lasting blooms: Nothing says summer like a pink hydrangea bush—and that look can last even when fall rolls in with a hardy variety like the frost-proof Endless Summer® Hydrangea, which can produce blooms through late November!

Versatile beauty: With so many beautiful pink blooms to choose from, the hydrangea can be planted most anywhere! Enjoy as a petite container plant on patios, create a gorgeous privacy barrier along driveways, or greet visitors with front-yard blossoms!

Pink Hydrangea Growth and Care

When it comes to planting and growing hydrangeas trees, the process is quite simple. While planting directions for most pink hydrangeas will be similar, it’s important to reference your chosen variety’s specific needs as they can vary slightly.

Planting: Like all hydrangea varieties, pink hydrangeas prefer full to partial sun—a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight daily. Your ideal planting spot will receive full morning sun and dappled afternoon shade.

Watering: Hydrangeas love water, especially when newly planted! Because of their shallow roots, hydrangeas dry out more quickly than other flowering shrubs. After initial planting, a 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch is helpful for keeping in moisture and keeping out weeds.
Once established, hydrangeas should be watered one to two times weekly. If you're unsure when to water, check the surrounding soil about 2 inches down.

Fertilizing: Proper fertilizing will vary depending on your chosen variety, but most pink hydrangea will benefit from once a year fertilizing as part of its care routine.

Keeping Hydrangea Pink: While some pink hydrangea are bred for consistently pink flowers, other varieties like the Bigleaf have the ability to change colors based on soil conditions. If your chosen variety can bloom to be blue or pink, you’ll want to use garden lime to raise soil pH for pink flowers, or add sulfur to lower the soil's pH and enjoy blue blooms.

Pruning Pink Hydrangea: Most hydrangea varieties don't require regular pruning unless you desire a specific shape. Some varieties may benefit from occasional pruning, but it should only be done in late winter or early spring after the threat of frost has passed. Make sure to reference your chosen plant’s specific directions.

Common Questions About Pink Hydrangeas

Why is my hydrangea not pink anymore?

All varieties of hydrangeas may experience some color change as their blooms age, but if you’ve planted Bigleaf or Mountain Hydrangea, which both have the ability to change color based on their soil’s acidity, it’s possible soil conditions are affecting your plant’s color. Test your soil to see if the acidity level is above 7 or if there’s aluminum present in the soil.

Can I make my hydrangeas even pinker?

Yes, hydrangea color can be customized in certain varieties like the Bigleaf and Classic Endless Summer. Test your soil’s pH—in order to produce brilliant pink petals, your soil needs to have a pH above 7. If your pH is testing below that level, add garden lime to the soil.

More Pink Hydrangea Resources

Caring for Hydrangeas: Our 4 Top Tips for Success

Hydrangeas: The Complete Guide to Months of Blooms

Types of Hydrangeas: Which Hydrangea Should I Plant?