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PeeGee Hydrangea

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Facts About Peegee Hydrangeas

Peegee Hydrangeas

Peegee hydrangea, also known as Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' or pee gee, is a popular cultivar of the panicle hydrangea. Well-loved among home gardeners for its giant white flowers and adaptability, Peegee are believed by many to be the easiest hydrangea to grow and care for, as it’s a type of hydrangea that is especially resistant to cold.

Peegee Hydrangeas Plant Growth and Care

Where to plant: Peegee hydrangeas are hardy in USDA zones 3 through 8, which accounts for most of the mainland United States outside of regions that receive extreme cold or heat. If you live on the West Coast, far north, or Central-to-Southern Florida, confirm your hardiness zones before planting a Hydrangea Peegee tree.

When to plant: Like all hydrangea trees, plant Peegee in the early spring after the threat of frost has passed or in the fall.

Sunlight: Plant Peegee in full sunlight (up to 6 hours daily) to partial shade (up to 2 hours daily).

Soil: Peegees do best in moist, well-draining soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. Aim for a pH between 5.5 and 8. Unlike Bigleaf Hydrangea, Peegee’s flowers don’t change color depending on soil acidity. They also prefer soil that is high in organic matter.

Mulch: Peegee is shallow-rooted. Add a layer of mulch for protection.

Pruning: This hydrangea blooms on new growth. It can be severely pruned in the spring or late winter.

Toxicity: As with most hydrangeas, if ingested, Peegee hydrangeas are toxic to people and pets.

Ready to check out a Pee gee hydrangea tree for sale or similar plants? Check out our quick list of the best white flowering shrubs.

Benefits of Peegee Hydrangea

Easy to grow: Peegee Hydrangea is among the most adaptable hydrangea varieties. It has a wide hardiness range and is drought-tolerant.

Versatility: Peegee can be grown as a shrub or small tree. Home gardeners plant this splendid hydrangea in cottage, courtyard, and shaded woodland gardens. It can also be planted in groups along borders and for hedges

Showy blooms: Grandiflora’s visual interest is unlike any other flowering shrub. The plant’s flowers bloom in July and last through September when few other plants bloom. Peegee produces enormous creamy white blossoms that turn a pinkish hue before fading to tan or brown for the winter.

Bring gorgeous flowers to your home garden today and see all our Pee gee hydrangea for sale above.

Common Questions about Pee Gee Hydrangeas

Are Panicle Hydrangeas the same as Peegee Hydrangeas?

Yes, Peegee hydrangeas are a type of panicle hydrangeas. Panicles get their name for their cone-like shape.

What are some varieties of Peegee Hydrangeas?

We love the Limelight Hydrangea, and its dwarf Little Lime cultivar. Loved for their vibrant growth and bulbous flowerheads, they’re a wonderful addition to any year.

When is the best time to plant Peegee Hydrangeas?

Like all hydrangea trees, plant Peegee in the early spring after the threat of frost has passed or in the fall.

Can I grow or prune my Peegee Hydrangea into a tree?

Peegee hydrangea shrubs can be pruned into a tree-like shape, however, there are also Peegee hydrangea trees that can be enjoyed without the work of pruning!

More Peegee Hydrangea Resources

Caring for Hydrangeas: Our Top 4 Tips for Success

Hydrangeas: The Complete Guide for Months of Blooms

Types of Hydrangeas: Which Hydrangea Should You Plant?