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North Dakota Trees

Residents of the Peace Garden State often look for fast-growing trees to provide shade for and color for their gardens. They also have to be able to thrive in the continental climate with its cold winters and hot summers. This is an important consideration when you’re choosing which trees to plant.

The Best Trees for Planting in North Dakota

Trees that are acclimatized to your region always thrive best. With this in mind, we recommend that our North Dakota gardeners opt for native shrubs and trees that will soon make themselves right at home in the Peace Garden State. Our Flowering Dogwood and Purple Lilac love the ND climate.

Other native tree varieties include the enduring Hybrid Poplar and the American Elm. Other hardy varieties that will thrive in your North Dakota garden include the Gingko, Autumn Cherry and Eastern Redbud. Each of these trees will add a vibrant splash of color to your landscape while providing shade. Some of the best trees for ND landscapes will be found at Fast Growing Trees Nursery.

Our range of North Dakota-friendly shrubs will also add a blaze of color to your garden, check out our range of azaleas. These repeat-blooming shrubs will create a colorful border or centerpiece in your garden. These plants offer the maximum beauty with the minimum upkeep.

If you’re looking for privacy, consider planting a row of American Holly, Thuja Emerald Green, Cryptomeria Radicans or Drought Free Evergreens. These fast-growing evergreens will enhance the beauty of your property’s boundary while adding a sense of security.

A Large Variety of Trees for North Dakota

Wherever you live – the Red River Valley, the Badlands, the Missouri Plateau, and Drift Prairie or the Great Plains - we have the trees for your unique region. Our wide selection of trees for North Dakota is bound to provide long-lasting solutions for your landscaping needs.

The North Dakota State tree is the American Elm. This stately tree grows to 30-40 feet at full maturity and can grow up to 3 feet each year. It has distinctive “jigsaw” patterned bark and dark green leaves. And you can find it right here at the Fast Growing Trees Nursery.

The Williams soil series was designated as the official state soil of North Dakota in 1990. This dark brown loam covers more than 2.2 million acres throughout the state. It is mostly used to cultivate grains and sunflowers. It’s a rich soil and will accommodate trees and shrubs.

Beautiful North Dakota landscapes are usually a blend of different varieties of hardy shade trees, feathery evergreens as well as flowering trees and fruit. Choosing trees that are easy to establish in the ND soil conditions and climate will ensure that you have a landscape that is stunning and easy to maintain.

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