New York Plants
Whether you live in New York City or the Adirondacks, we can help you find the perfect plant for your New York garden. To simplify your search, we’ve compiled a brief guide about growing flowers, shrubs, and trees in The Empire State.
How to Grow and Care for New York Plants?
The Empire State lies within the humid continental zone; however, there is still quite a variation between regions. The warmest temperatures and longest seasons between frosts are in the southeastern lowlands. The uplands of the Catskills and Adirondacks have cold winters and cooler summers. The Great Lakes area snow belt is one of the snowiest areas in the United States.
All this is to say, the most crucial aspect of selecting a plant in New York is knowing its “comfort zone” and which USDA zone you live in. Fortunately, you can find both pieces of info easily.
Most, if not all, plant sellers include USDA hardiness zones on their items. To find your zone, check out the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.
Types of New York Plants
If you’ve ever used your web browsers to search for “plants NYC” and been disappointed in the results, our breakdown of New York Plants is for you. We’ve compiled flowers, trees, and shrubs that will flourish in New York, including a few natives.
Perennials: For a splash of color, we suggest Phenomenal Lavender Plant, Geranium Rozanna, and Bartzella Peony. If you want to stay local, check out the Purple Coneflower or one of its cultivators like the PowWow White Coneflower and PowWow Wild Berry Coneflower.

Shrubs: A few of our favorite shrubs to recommend are the Double Knock Out Roses, Black Knight Butterfly Bush, and Minnetonka Rhododendron. A popular native New York shrub is Smooth Hydrangea, which has fantastic cultivators like Endless Summer Reblooming Hydrangea and Quick Fire Hydrangea.
Trees: Native to the Empire State, the Red Maple or Lombardy Poplar are both hardy, strong selections. For shade from that New York summer sun, we suggest the American Beech, American Elm, or one of our other Maples. If you’d like a flowering tree, go for the Kwanzan Cherry Tree, which has gorgeous blooms and provides shade. If fruit trees are more your style, plant a Honeycrisp Apple Tree or Reliance Peach Tree.

Common Questions About New York Plants
What zone is New York for plants?
The Empire State’s USDA hardiness zones are 3 through 7. New York City is in zone 7.
What plants are native to New York?
There are numerous native plants in New York. A few native plants NYC loves are Balsam Fir, Baneberry, Lady’s Leek, and Ohio Buckeye.
What are the fastest growing trees in New York?
It’s difficult to say. There are a lot of factors that go into how fast a tree grows, including its environment. But if all things are equal, the Hybrid Popular and Weeping Willow are among the fast growing trees that can be grown in NYC. Hybrid Poplar grows between 5 to 8 feet annually, while Weeping Willow grows 3 to 8 feet.