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Get our New Arrivals for your homescape.

New Arrivals

With our new, one-of-a-kind favorites, you'll have the best picks for your homescape. Our New Arrivals are made to thrive without much effort on your part...and look elegant month after month. 

New Arrivals: Growing and Beyond

Specific planting directions for each pick will depend on the variety you choose, but first, ensure you're buying for proper growing zones (or grow your plants indoors). Other than that, the most important factors for your New Arrivals are sunlight and watering needs. 

From there, the actual planting process for our plants is simple. Find an area with the proper sunlight and well-drained soil, or select a container large enough to accommodate the tree’s root ball, place your tree and backfill the soil. Finally, water the surrounding soil to settle your plant’s roots and mulch to conserve moisture.

When to Plant Your New Arrivals

Generally, you should plant New Arrivals in early spring or fall. However, you can plant in pots to stay on the porch or move indoors nearly any time of year! No matter which season you choose, you'll have a well-growing favorite that's made to last.