Privacy Trees: Medium Size Must-Haves

Last updated: May 30 2019

Privacy trees are a must-have for your landscape. Not only do they block your neighbor’s line of sight, but they also absorb loud noise and provide a wind break. However, if some evergreen varieties grow upwards of 40 feet tall, and 12 to 20 feet wide, how do they get approved by your HOA or fit under power lines? Don’t fret, there are a lot of medium-growing varieties that will fit perfectly into your landscape.
1. The Emerald Green Thuja
The Emerald Green Thuja brings a lot of beauty to neighborhoods all over the country because they’re recommended for growing zones 3 through 8. And since they tolerate cold winter temperatures down to -40 degrees, these thujas are the perfect choice for frigid Northern climates. Furthermore, these hardy trees even do their jobs under heavy layers of ice and snow.
Plus, their light green, soft foliage adds beauty to the landscape all year and can even fit in tight spaces. Once Emerald Green Thujas are planted about 2 feet apart, their lush green foliage will fill in.
2. Wichita Blue Juniper
Give your yard a blue row of color with Wichita Junipers. Instead of displaying deep green colors, these trees sport a shimmering shade of silvery blue. The color pops against barren winter landscapes and competes with the green hues of summer.
And Blue Junipers fit into neighborhoods easily, with their space-saving mature size of 10 to 15 feet in height and 4 to 6 feet in width. Once they’re planted about 3 feet apart, they’ll start providing winter shelter and well-deserved privacy. Best of all, while junipers attract birds every winter with small, light blue berries, deer generally show no interest in eating this tree.
3. Wax Myrtles
If you’re looking for a growth rate of up to 5 feet per year, check out the Wax Myrtle. This energetic evergreen springs up to give you instant privacy, because these trees grow about 15 to 20 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet wide, creating a privacy barrier. This drought tolerant and heat resistant tree is recommended for zones 7 through 11.
Furthermore, Wax Myrtles provide so much more than stunning foliage – they also provide tons of tiny yellow flowers. Also, Wax Myrtles produce bright red berries that are known as bayberries. Clip a few branches, and place them inside to naturally decorate your home.
4. The American Holly
Made for shaping into the perfect hedge, the American Holly can handle heavy pruning in order to form a neat and tidy hedge. However, if left to grow naturally, they’ll reach heights of between 15 to 20 feet and widths around 12 to 15 feet. This trouble-free tree often flourishes if planted and left untouched.
Due to the American Holly’s waxy leaves, deer do not enjoy eating them, so they’re especially recommended for areas with a high deer population. Every winter, the American Holly sports bright red berries that pop against their dark green foliage. The berries attract tons of birds, making this privacy tree the top choice for wildlife enthusiasts.
Enjoy Privacy Trees
You don’t need to build a fence or monster-sized trees to achieve privacy! Plant medium-sized privacy trees in order to give your yard an attractive look that has it all.

Written by
Blair Brown
Blair is the Content Marketing Manager at, and though she's not your traditional gardener, the planting world is definitely growing on her (pun intended!). She's enjoyed digging into plant care and maintenance and growing her plant collection, especially with exotic indoor varieties.